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Leadership is the Missing Ingredient in Network Marketing

Wow I think I have had an epiphany. Why do people jump from network marketing company to network marketing company? Well we can say compensation plans, product and a myriad of other reasons but I believe the biggest reason is lack of leadership.
People are looking for someone to take them or lead them to the next level.
I just heard of several 7 figure earners who left one company to start over in another. Why? Why when you've worked so hard to get to the top would you leave?  It's LEADERSHIP! People want to be led.  They want systems. They want the path to be blazed. They want the kinks worked out so they can just work!
I think this is an important lesson for all of us in the industry to grasp. Leadership is key to your success. Always stay in learning mode. Always stay on the cutting edge so that you can lead others.
I actually received a tweet yesterday that said "when a pastor stops growing so does his church." Well the same principle applies to your organization. When you stop growing, so will your organization ie. your check. Lead your people or they will go where they can find leadership.
If you are in a company or organization that  you love but you need leadership become the leader you desire and others will follow you and always stay plugged in with personal development books, courses, etc. to make sure you can lead others where they want to go.