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5 Success Tips for Network Marketers!

It's amazing to me how people start network marketing businesses and don't last a good 30 days. Initially they are so excited and without any type of plan they run out and start sharing with everyone they know about their awesome product, company, etc. that they have found.

After a few people tell them "no" or call them crazy, their excitement fizzles out.

I know it's true because it has happened to me. I have gotten all excited, made plans to be debt free and rich beyond my wildest dreams but then a party pooper will arrive and steal my joy. Yep! It can happen to the best of us. It really can.

I believe it has also happened to the people you see at the top. You know, the top money earners: The ones you admire. The ones with the big checks and the great big smiles. I believe the difference between those that make it and those that don't boils down to several things. Let's take a moment and look at a few.

1. They Developed a Tough Skin

If you are going to succeed in this business you must develop a tough skin. You can't let the word "no" rock your world. You can't let other people's lack of vision stop you from pursuing yours. You have to toughen up and be prepared to go the distance.

2. They Have a Serious Why.

I was in a meeting the other night with my team and I told them in the most gentle way I knew how that when I began my business they were not my why. I told them that, because sometimes people feel like you can't make it without them or they feel like you are going to continue to push them for something that they should have the drive and desire to go after for themselves. While I care deeply for each of them, my why has nothing to do with them.

My why is BIG! It is so big, it makes me cry. When your why is big enough to make you cry, then when people try to tear your dream down or tell you "no", you can kindly thank them for their time and move on because they didn't give you the dream in the first place and they can't take it away if you don't let them.

3. They Developed a Plan of Action

Success is not stumbled upon. It is planned. While time frames may be unpredictable, the destination and plan of action should not. Of course plans can be altered, tweaked, and adjusted, and often times they should be. But nevertheless, there should always be plan to get you to your destination. A very famous woman once said "plan your work, and work your plan". I so agree with this statement. Successful people have a plan of action and if you are going to succeed in this incredible business you should as well.

4. They Hang Around Successful Others

If you hang around broke, negative people, chances are you will be broke and negative as well. When you are building your dream you have to be very careful who you allow in your space. Negative people will drain you. They will suck the life out of any plans that you have. One good thing about this is that they can only do it if you allow it. Sometimes it isn't easy but to have the success you want, you may have to give some people their walking papers.

You have to on purpose seek out successful others through their CDs, books, and other materials that they offer. Hang out with them at meetings and seminars. Get a crew of dreamers that you hang out with and be accountable to eachother. Your whole outlook on life will change if you hang out with successful others.

5. They Made a Decision Not to Quit.

Winners never quit and quitters never win. I make this statement all of the time. I'm a winner and I never lose. Now of course if you get involved with a company that is not integrous, or their products are not what they said then that is a whole different situation but if you quit because its hard, or if you quit because several people told you "no" then you my dear are a quitter. You may quit a compnay but never quit this industry. The fruit is too good!

You have to decide at the very beginning of your new venture that you are not going to quit until you have given it your all. If you make the decision at the beginning then you will be ready to deal with whatever may come against your desire for better.

I've noticed something. Successful network marketers are a different breed of people. We think differently. We see things differently. We get excited about $50 bonuses because we see the bigger picture. We realize that if we don't quit that one day that $50 bonus can represent a monthly six-figure residual income. But we also realize that it can only happen if we make a decision not to quit!

Well there you have it! 5 Success Tips for Network Marketers. I will share more in the coming weeks but begin implementing these tips now and until then, I will see you over the top!