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Mentors: You Need Them to Succeed!

You ever heard of a team winning without a coach? Well the same can be said of a successful business person succeeding without a mentor. You Need a Mentor. No matter what type of business you are in, you need a mentor. As a Pastor I find myself in the role of mentor or life coach role quite often and I welcome it but I am so surprised that when people have free help available to them that they often don't take it.

As Pastors my husband and I counsel couples, singles, men, women, and even children. That's fine. We love helping people but what is disturbing is that often the person being counseled has waited until things have gotten out of hand before they sought help.

What if we would all adapt the concept of preparation as opposed to reaction. What I mean by this is preparing yourself to win as opposed to reacting to devasting circumstances that could have been avoided if you had prepared.

I remember when I started my insurance business I was so excited. I had passed all of my tests and I was ready to make BIG money. What I didn't have was a mentor. I had weekly classes but going to classes is not the same as having a mentor.

What I mean by this is each week there was someone different teaching and the persons teaching were not necessarily active or even successful in the business. The seasoned agents were too busy either golfing or complaining about the company that if I hadn't been determined to win, I would have quit after a few months because it was very hard at first.

I stayed in that business for about 5 years. And looking back I probably could have stayed longer if I had a mentor. Not someone that just says "Go For It" or "You can Do it"! But someone who was successful and didn't mind showing me how even if I had to work for them in the process.

Now of course I will never work a service oriented business again since my new incredible mentors have taught me a better way. I will talk more about that later but I just want to encourage you as you pursue success, to get a mentor and follow them through faith and patience to secure your inheritance.